
Overcoming aerospace supply chain challenges with blockchain: Insights from Farnborough International Airshow


Des Ledger


Jul 30, 2024

Figher jet in mid air


Overcoming aerospace supply chain challenges with blockchain: Insights from Farnborough International Airshow


Des Ledger


Jul 30, 2024

Figher jet in mid air
Figher jet in mid air

Last week's Farnborough International Airshow brought together the best minds in the aerospace industry, not only to showcase cutting-edge aircraft and components but also to find solutions to the significant supply chain challenges that have become more pronounced in recent years.

The event highlighted the resilience and innovation within the sector as companies work to address issues that have been exacerbated by the pandemic and ongoing geopolitical tensions. As Rob Stallard, an analyst from Vertical Research Partners, noted, “Airshow commentary has focused on the aerospace OEM supply chain issues,” underscoring the industry's collective concern and determination to find solutions.

Streamlining the supply chain

The aerospace industry is currently facing a multitude of supply chain challenges. Manufacturers, along with their extensive networks of suppliers, are struggling to meet the heightened demand for new aircraft and parts. This surge in demand, while a positive sign of recovery, has revealed vulnerabilities in the supply chain. Shortages of critical materials and components, coupled with extended lead times, have created significant bottlenecks​.

At ubloquity, we recognize that transparency and traceability are key to overcoming these hurdles. Our blockchain platform provides a single source of truth, allowing all stakeholders to track parts and components in real-time. This level of visibility helps reduce delays and disputes, ensuring more efficient inventory management. For example, by automating procurement and maintenance processes through smart contracts, airlines can ensure that parts and services are procured promptly, thus minimizing downtime and improving fleet readiness​.

Ensuring component certification and compliance

Making sure that all components meet stringent safety and regulatory standards was another of the major challenges highlighted by experts from the aerospace industry last week. The certification process is often lengthy and complex, involving multiple stakeholders and extensive documentation. This can lead to delays and increased costs as manufacturers strive to comply with evolving regulations​.

ubloquity’s blockchain solution addresses this challenge by providing an immutable record of each component’s certification and compliance history. This secure, transparent ledger ensures that all stakeholders have access to accurate and up-to-date information, streamlining the certification process and reducing the risk of non-compliance. By maintaining a comprehensive and tamper-proof record of compliance, our platform helps manufacturers, suppliers and airlines adhere to regulatory standards more efficiently.

Improving compliance, sustainability and security

The need for compliance with increasingly stringent environmental regulations is also a pressing concern for the industry. Aerospace companies are under pressure to adopt more sustainable practices and accurately report their environmental impact. Additionally, cybersecurity threats pose another significant risk to the highly interconnected aerospace supply chain.

ubloquity’s blockchain solution addresses this by providing immutable records of an aircraft’s lifecycle, from fuel usage to maintenance activities. This ensures accurate compliance reporting and supports the industry’s transition towards more sustainable operations. Protecting this kind of sensitive data from unauthorized access and cyber-attacks is crucial. The decentralized nature of blockchain enhances data security, making it a robust framework for maintaining the integrity of the supply chain.

Future-proofing the aerospace industry

As demonstrated at the Farnborough International Airshow, the aerospace industry is ready to innovate and collaborate to overcome these challenges. Blockchain technology offers a transformative approach to enhancing supply chain resilience and efficiency.

By embracing this technology, aerospace companies can reduce inefficiencies, improve operational readiness, and strengthen their commitment to sustainability. ubloquity is at the forefront of this transformation, pioneering solutions that set a new standard for the future of the aviation industry.

We invite industry leaders to explore how ubloquity’s blockchain solutions can be integrated into their strategies to navigate these challenging times and emerge stronger. The future of aerospace is bright, and with the right tools, we can ensure it continues to soar.

Thanks to the team at Farnborough International Airshow and Aerospace Xelerated for having us and to everyone we got to speak with last week. We look forward to working with you all soon.

Des Ledger


Des Ledger, our head of editorial, is an experienced writer and communicator with a deep understanding of blockchain technology. He specializes in breaking down complex concepts into clear, accessible content, ensuring our audience stays informed and engaged. Des is dedicated to keeping the ubloquity news site up-to-date, providing valuable insights and updates on the latest developments in blockchain authentication, traceability, and supply chain trust.